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Chapter V
Mental and behavioural disorders

F34Persistent mood [affective] disorders

Persistent and usually fluctuating disorders of mood in which the majority of the individual episodes are not sufficiently severe to warrant being described as hypomanic or mild depressive episodes. Because they last for many years, and sometimes for the greater part of the patient's adult life, they involve considerable distress and disability. In some instances, recurrent or single manic or depressive episodes may become superimposed on a persistent affective disorder.


A persistent instability of mood involving numerous periods of depression and mild elation, none of which is sufficiently severe or prolonged to justify a diagnosis of bipolar affective disorder (F31.-) or recurrent depressive disorder (F33.-). This disorder is frequently found in the relatives of patients with bipolar affective disorder. Some patients with cyclothymia eventually develop bipolar affective disorder.

Affective personality disorder
Cycloid personality
Cyclothymic personality

A chronic depression of mood, lasting at least several years, which is not sufficiently severe, or in which individual episodes are not sufficiently prolonged, to justify a diagnosis of severe, moderate, or mild recurrent depressive disorder (F33.-).

  • neurosis
  • personality disorder
Neurotic depression
Persistent anxiety depression
anxiety depression (mild or not persistent) (F41.2)
F34.8Other persistent mood [affective] disorders
F34.9Persistent mood [affective] disorder, unspecified